Just in case you didn't know it, She is pretty darn cute!
I asked her if she wanted to get fancy and this is what we came up with! I love that she will pose for a picture like this but not when we schedule family pictures!
So we got invited to a Friends Halloween party, so nick put on his finest and off we went. I could not look at him with out cracking up! I am so Lucky to have this "guy"
I had so much fun with brin this year, we were sad though cause nick had to work, so we went into Best Buy and said a quick hellooooo then off to the trick or treating fun! If you can see that little white thing is her "stinger"
She was in love with the idea of just walking up to a house and getting candy, I think she was excited I'll post all the other pictures from this night on my Facebook! I cant wait till next year then we can really get the goods :)