Thursday, August 25, 2011

Ellingson Family Runion 2011

A few weeks ago we had our Ellingson Family Reunion and it was a BLAST! we were camping, fishing, hiking, we floated down a river, we ate Rattle Snake! and ate home made ice cream every night! I love Spending time with Family and i am always so bummed when it comes to an end but this year i made a slide show with everyones pictures and videos so we can get together again next weekend and watch just what a good time we had. xoxoxoxo missy

we did a very good job at wearing out the babies

This was on our hike, i forgot a sling but who knew my dollar store back pack would work just as well!

1 comment:

Mattson Family said...

Your family is so cute! You look AMAZING Melisa! You are so skinny!